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Institutional Distinctiveness

The Swami Vivekananda College is performing unique in its Distinctive to its utmost priority and thrust areas with diversified ethos. The SV College is whole heartedly trying to develop the Tea-garden based students as well as the students from other backward communities in sensitizing with various measures such as Tea-garden based technology skills and training programs, creating educational awareness. Our motto is to inculcate the strong sense of their rights and duties as well as to educate them to avoid the most dangerous consequences of long practiced society ridden child marriage. The college is well known for its eco-friendly and large variety of its green campus. Interestingly, our college has more than 60% girls students which is quite higher than that of other Higher Educational Institute of the greater locality. More than 80% students of these are the first generation learners. Even it’s hard to find out a graduate guardian to be included in the different important committees of the college. Let us imagine the level of devotion and persistence towards educating their children’s although they are leading a destitute family life with getting very less wages of Rs. 183. The natural cum demographic beautification of Swami Vivekananda College is exuberant for its charming scenery which is highly recognized by different local politico-administrative bodies and indeed it’s attractive for its highness of grave tranquility admired by the visitors of the College. The Institutional distinctiveness of Swami Vivekananda College may summed up with the following attractive features. Such as Location, Own eco-friendly campus, Beautified green infrastructure and the adaptation of the Tea-garden based downtrodden village.

National and International Boundary adjacent Location:

The Swami Vivekananda College is located in a remote, backward, Tea garden area nearby Indo-Bangla Border area adjoining to the Inter-State Border like Tripura, Mizoram. Most of the students are belonging to the Tea-garden based community and other economically weaker sanctions and below poverty line. As a result they have little chance to go for Higher Education in Urban areas like town and cities. So the fundamental aim behind the establishment of the Institution is to provide higher education and all round development of the students of this locality and surrounding Tea garden areas. Mostly students come from socio-economic background where they do not find financial support from their families. Therefore it is the moral responsibility of the college to provide necessary opportunities so that they can improve their quality and skills for engagements in different sectors available in the locality.

Own eco-friendly campus:

The College is running in full swing in its own furnished campus comprising of 30 bighas of land surrounded by the 18 beautiful Tea-gardens of repute. The campus covered with green plants which includes sizable number of Fruits plantations such as psidu guajava, syzygium, cuminl, streblus Asper, citrus grandis, olea Europaea, spondia Mombin, Annona Squamosa, Prunus Domestica, Antocarpus Heteophlles, Bamboosa Aridinarifolia, mango trees etc. and a lot of wooden trees namely Tectona Grandis, Xyliaxylocarpa, Polyathialongifolta, Neolamarckia Cadamba, etc. and also the type of trees which are considerd medicinal plants like – Ocimum Sanctum, Aegle Marmelos, Phyllanthus Emblica, Azadir Achtain,etc. Flower gardens include Delonix Regia, Cycas Revoluta, etc. overall the College has a vast and eco-friendly green campus.

The Swami Vivekananda College has diversified, skilled, experienced and dedicated human resources. They serve the students with utmost attention and dedication and with sacrificing attitudes. They provide all round dedication so that students can develop their personality and job orientation. The faculty members hail from different districts of premiere Indian State of Assam having different languages and religion and culture.

Adoption of a Tea-Garden based downtrodden village:

The College has also adopted a Tea-Garden based downtrodden village namely Chandkhira, comprising of tea garden based community with an approximate 250 families of 1800 resident members. The faculty members in collaboration with IQAC and NSS program coordinator selected the village Chandkhira with the prior permission of Gaon panchayat.

In order to nurture social awareness and responsibilities amidst the students, extension and outreach programs are organized under the banner NSS Unit of the Institution. The NSS activities include water sheds cleaning, drainage cleaning, cleaning of public waiting sheds, wells/water tanks, roads and lanes and planting trees, health and sanitation programs etc. Under the banner of the NSS Unit of Swami Vivekananda College a momentus cleanliness drive was initiated in the adopted Village path, clubs, rural hospital premises, school lawns etc.

  • The College has organized a good number of programs in collaboration with NSS Unit like – AIDS/HIV awareness campaign, Anti-Tobacco awareness programs, Anti- Drugs awareness programs etc.
  • Our adopted village has a legacy of adaptation certified by the Local Panchayat Body and hereafter we the College community named the village as the adopted village of Swami Vivekananda College with a big Sign-Board.
  • The College has taken the commitment to extend a helping hand in their difficulties and problems of the adopted village.
  • The College started sensitization programs to inculcate the strong sense of the Garden- based community and their rights and duties as well as to educate them to avoid the most dangerous consequences of long practiced society ridden child marriage.